2777 E Washington Blvd
Los Angeles CA 90023
(323) 264-1615

Ekco Metals Logo

2846 Commercial St
San Diego, CA 92113
(619) 756-6696


The Most Valuable Scrap Metals

CopperCopper stands out as one of the most valuable non-ferrous metals in the recycling industry. Widely used in electrical wiring and plumbing due to its excellent conductivity and corrosion resistance, copper holds a high market value. Items such as old wiring,...

Handling and Disposing of Metal Waste

In an era where sustainability is at the forefront of global consciousness, responsible handling and disposal of metal waste is essential to businesses and consumers alike. For those looking to contribute to a greener future while also capitalizing on valuable...

Recycling Saves Costs for Businesses and Consumers

Recycling has become an essential aspect of sustainable living, and its benefits extend beyond environmental preservation. The practice of recycling offers significant cost-saving opportunities for both businesses and consumers. At Ekco Metals, our industrial...

How Manufacturing Recycling can Improve Business Performance

In today's environmentally conscious world, businesses are increasingly seeking sustainable solutions that not only benefit the planet but also their bottom line. One such solution is manufacturing recycling, which holds immense potential for improving business...

How Metal Recycling Contributes to Environmental Sustainability

The increasing concern for environmental sustainability has led to the adoption of various practices to reduce waste and pollution. Recycling is one of the most effective ways to reduce waste and preserve natural resources. Metal recycling, in particular, has the...

Getting the Most Value Out of Recycling Copper Wires

Copper wires are widely used in the manufacturing industry, and they play an essential role in powering modern technology. However, copper wires also have significant recycling value, making them an attractive commodity for industrial scrap yards and recycling...

Distinguishing the Differences Between Bronze, Copper, and Brass

Brass, bronze, and copper are three metals that are commonly found in industrial scrap yards and are often recycled through metal recycling programs. Understanding the differences between these metals is essential for scrap metal buying and recycling.CopperCopper is a...

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Los Angeles

Mon - Fri: 7 am – 4 pm
Sat: 7 am – 1 pm
Sun: Closed

2777 E Washington Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90023

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